Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Week 8

This week was all about polishing and finishing before next week as it is our show week. We worked on our scene, but we only looked at polishing up our scene. We decided to cut some bits, as they either didn't look right or we didn't have enough time to block them, for example, at the end where the directions say that we use items of clothing, to protect ourselves from contact with Anne. For example,
Wednesday: We ran epilogue and prologue
creative ideas: Me and Alicia discussed the idea of a soundtrack that could be put together to be used for the epilogue or the prologue. If we had more time we could have used all the different pieces of music from the scenes, like say take the beginning piece of all the scenes, like 5 seconds or so, to give it the echo effect, and then have a few important lines from the scene, played over the top, as we entered the wardrobe.

We were asked to pin point some feelings/thoughts that out characters would feel in specific parts of the play. For my character..
-Feels light heartened and playful during the beginning of the scene.
-Embarrassed when the other girl think she has the plague.
- Feels a bit awkward at first but she really just wants the girls to forget about it and move along hence "Well go on then, finish your audition speech, it was quite good".
-Feels as if she needs to be strong and courageous when Anne gets plague.
-Feels proud/emotional and knows that she would probably die/catch the plague.
-She knows that Anne would help her, if she was in that situation instead, and knows it's the right thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. wk- 7+8
    Well done Charlie- If we go to London- remind me of the recording voice overs of lines for the prologue and epilogue- we should try it. M+
